How to Send an Email in Gmail

Sending an email using Gmail is simple and straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Sign in to Gmail

Open your web browser and go to

Enter your email address and password to log in.

2. Click on "Compose"

Once you are logged in, look for the "Compose" button, typically found in the top left corner of the Gmail interface. Click on it to open a new email window.

3. Fill Out the Email Details

To: Enter the recipient’s email address in the “To” field. You can add multiple recipients by separating each email address with commas.

Subject: Type the subject of the email in the “Subject” field.

Body: Type your message in the large text box below the subject line.

4. Attach Files (Optional)

If you need to attach files, click on the paperclip icon at the bottom of the compose window. This will allow you to browse your computer and select the files you wish to attach.

5. Format the Email (Optional)

You can format your email (e.g., bold, italics, bullet points) using the options in the toolbar at the bottom of the compose window.

6. Send the Email

Once you're ready to send the email, click the "Send" button located at the bottom of the compose window.

7. Confirmation

After sending, you should see a brief message at the bottom-left of the screen confirming that your email has been sent.

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